ITC Ltd.
Sales (2007-2008) = Rs.14000 crores (rounded off)
Net profit after tax = Rs.3000 crores (rounded off)
CSR Budget: Not available
Karmayog 2008 CSR Rating: 0/ 5
CSR activities:
�€€€€€€€ ITC has been �Carbon Positive� three years in a row (sequestering/storing twice the amount of CO2 than the Company emits).
�€€€€€€€ �Water Positive� six years in a row (creating three times more Rainwater Harvesting potential than ITC’s net consumption).
�€€€€€€€ Close to 100% solid waste recycling.
�€€€€€€€ All Environment, Health and Safety Management Systems in ITC conform to the best international standards.
�€€€€€€€ ITC’s businesses generate livelihoods for over 5 million people.
�€€€€€€€ ITC’s globally recognised e-Choupal initiative is the world’s largest rural digital infrastructure benefiting over 4 million farming families.
�€€€€€€€ ITC’s Social and Farm Forestry initiative has greened over 80,000 hectares creating an estimated 35 million person days of employment among the disadvantaged.
�€€€€€€€ ITC’s Watershed Development Initiative brings precious water to nearly 35,000 hectares of drylands and moisture-stressed areas.
�€€€€€€€ ITC’s Sustainable Community Development initiatives include women empowerment, supplementary education, integrated animal husbandry programmes.
Preserving National Heritage
As a socially responsible corporate citizen, ITC endeavours to create value for the Indian society in multiple ways, one of them being preservation of India’s rich cultural heritage. ITC has made significant contribution to the promotion of Indian classical music, theatre, art and cuisine.
ITC�s Agri Business Division, one of India�s largest exporters of agricultural commodities, has conceived e-Choupal as a more efficient supply chain aimed at delivering value to its customers around the world on a sustainable basis.
The e-Choupal model has been specifically designed to tackle the challenges posed by the unique features of Indian agriculture, characterised by fragmented farms, weak infrastructure and the involvement of numerous intermediaries, among others
�e-Choupal� also unshackles the potential of Indian farmer who has been trapped in a vicious cycle of low risk taking ability > low investment > low productivity > weak market orientation > low value addition > low margin > low risk taking ability. This made him and Indian agribusiness sector globally uncompetitive, despite rich & abundant natural resources.
Such a market-led business model can enhance the competitiveness of Indian agriculture and trigger a virtuous cycle of higher productivity, higher incomes, enlarged capacity for farmer risk management, larger investments and higher quality and productivity.
Further, a growth in rural incomes will also unleash the latent demand for industrial goods so necessary for the continued growth of the Indian economy. This will create another virtuous cycle propelling the economy into a higher growth trajectory.
Envisioning a larger societal purpose has always been a hallmark of ITC. The company sees no conflict between the twin goals of shareholder value enhancement and societal value creation. The challenge lies in fashioning a corporate strategy that enables realisation of these goals in a mutually reinforcing and synergistic manner.
As a corporate citizen with enduring relationships in rural India, ITC has a history of collaboration with communities and government institutions to enhance farm productivity and the rural resource base. ITC�s commitments in agricultural R&D and knowledge sharing have spanned vital aspects of competitiveness � efficient farm practices, soil and water management.
In 2000, harnessing the empowering force of information technology and its scalabilty, ITC launched e-Choupal � a knowledge portal providing farmers with a range of information and services. Designed to enable them to bargain collectively and enhance their transactive power, e-Choupal became the much needed and easily adoptable tool farmers had been waiting for. Today e-Choupal is a vibrant and rapidly growing zone of business and interaction for over 4 million farmers.
ITC moved rapidly to apply the economic momentum of e-Choupal to solving urgent social and environmental tasks. ITC launched Mission Sunehra Kal, a rural capacity building programme fostering local initiatives to develop water and forest resources, open up new non-farm livelihoods, empower women economically and expand primary education.
The Mission now embraces a community of thousands of villages that are influential nuclei of change in rural localities spread over 11 States. A clearly focused self-help movement has gained ground in village after village in these areas, with farmers co-operating to create much needed economic, environmental and social assets out of their own resources.
By linking knowledge and technology transfer to the creation of economic and social capacity, ITC has brought a new dynamic to rural development.
ITC has consciously chosen the path less travelled. A path that has led it to create sustainable livelihoods for 5 million people. For ITC this is an expression of a commitment beyond the market. Of a conviction that country must come before corporation. Of a true pride in being Citizen First.
Contact Information:
ITC Ltd.
37 J.L.Nehru Road
Kolkata � 700071
West Bengal
Phone : 33-22889371
Fax : 33-22452251-60 / 24522528/2288225
E-mail :
Website :
Industry Sector: Cigarettes
Products / Services: Manufacturer & supplier of Cigarettes. Other businesses are Hotels, FMCG, and Packaging
Other locations of factories / offices: Cigarette factories in Bengaluru, Kolkata, Munger, Saharanpur.
Previous year� CSR activities & rating: