Hindusthan National Glass & Industries Ltd
Sales (2007-2008) = Rs.1100 crores (rounded off)
Net profit after tax = Rs.160 crores (rounded off)
CSR Budget: Not Available
Karmayog 2008 CSR Rating: 1/5
See Karmayog Comments below:
CSR activities:
A part of the CK Somany Group
- Beautification of Kolkata park (maharana pratap uddyan)
- Janki Devi Somany Charity Trust
- Somany Vidya Vidhi
- Multispeciality Eye Care Centre at Kolkata
- Donation for Tsunami
Source: http://www.hngindia.com/community.html
Karmayog Comments: No new information on CSR initiatives since last year
Contact Information:
Hindusthan National Glass & Industries Ltd
2, Red Cross Place
Kolkata 700 001
West Bengal
Phone no. : 33-2254-3100
Fax : 33- 2254-3130
Email : hngkol@hngil.com
Website : www.hngindia.com/
Industry Sector: Glass – Containers / Others
Products / Services: The largest and most prolific producer of glass containers.
Other locations of factories / offices: Bangalore, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad
Previous year�s CSR activities & rating: https://www.karmayog.org/csr500companies/csr500companies_7842.htm