Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd
Sales (2007-2008) = Rs.1100 crores (rounded off)
Net profit after tax= Rs.225 crores (rounded off)
CSR Budget: Not Available
Karmayog 2008 CSR Rating: 2/5
CSR activities:
GACL has deciphered its role, responsibilities and obligations towards integrating
Social and environmental concerns of its stakeholders and public at large. Good
Corporate Governance lies in optimizing protection of value based reputation, Credibility and goodwill of the Organisation.
The Company has adopted and documented a policy on Social Responsibility and undertakes community development activities in and around the rural areas situated in Baroda as well as Dahej Complexes. The community interest and representatives of those interests are identified with the direct and indirect involvement of the Company.
The community interests and the stakeholders are identified through an NGO, called
SVADES (Society for Village Development in Petrochemical Area) for more than a
decade, which is a collective endeavour that binds the industry and rural mass together towards an effective social-economic development surrounding in Baroda Complex of the Company.
The Company has a well designed and well developed Disaster Management Plan within the Company and to surrounding industry, either in the form of providing risk information to the community or to respond in case of any emergency, as a part of its social responsibility. As a part of Disaster Management Programme, to create awareness about the immediate and timely actions to be taken at the time of disasters like gas leak, accidents etc., mock drills are conducted. Booklets on Safety giving �Dos� and DONTs� and Safe Handling of Chlorine are distributed to residents of nearby villages on a regular basis.
The Company has evolved and implemented effective programmes based on adherence to social values such as �
- Undertaking Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Project to reduce carbon and green house emissions.
- Facilitating dialogue with various constituents, establishments and departments concerned with environment, safety and social welfare, with a view to achieve co-ordination and co-operation in successful implementation of the programme.
- Afforestation programmes in and around both the Complexes of the Company, (for environmental protection) thus minimizing the global warming scenario.
- Promoting and Sponsoring activities in the areas of Safety, Health and Environment, Education, Sports and Cultural Activities.
- Promoting primary and girl�s education (e.g. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and Kanya Kelvani Programmes of Govt. of Gujarat) in surrounding rural areas.
- Providing vocational and on the job training to ITI pass outs. Providing employment and self-employment opportunities through development on ancillary industries, both to local community and to others.
- Infrastructure developmental programmes such as drinking water and irrigation facilities, electricity, roads etc., thus accelerating rural development.
- Construction of check dams and water harvesting to improve the water table.
- Undertaking relief operations in times of natural disasters such as floods and earthquake.
- Creating awareness about HIV/AIDS and organizing free distribution of condoms through vending units at convenient places targeting the local groups of labour, transport workers etc.
- Providing employee welfare and facilitate freedom of association and promote cordial industrial relations.
To continue to be identified and recognized as a dynamic, modern and eco-friendly chemical company with enduring ethics and values.
Source: Compliance Report)
Contact Information:
Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd
P.O. Petrochemicals-391 346
Dist. Vadodara
Phone no. : 265-2232681-2
Fax- : 265-2232130
Email :
Website :
Industry Sector: Chlor-Alkali
Products / Services: GACL is the single largest producer of Caustic Soda in India
Other locations of factories / offices: Dahej, Dist. Bharuch, Gujarat
Previous year�s CSR activities & rating: