D.S. Kulkarni Developers Ltd.
Sales (2007-2008) =Rs.450 crores (rounded off)
Net profit after tax =Rs.40 crores (rounded off)
CSR Budget = Not Available
Karmayog 2008 CSR Rating: 1/ 5
CSR activities:
Environment and Donation
The company knows the responsibility of giving more to the society than what it takes from it, In this era of global warming it is the prime motto of protecting environment. While dealing with eco-friendly concepts in every day life like company condinuously conducts awareness programmes, training sessions, seminars, customer meets to highlight the importance of water recycling, rain water harvesting, zero garbage culture, treating waste, optimum utilisation of non conventional energy resources. Sponsoring of DSK Energy Awards to encourage energy conservation is continued by the company
Further company is providing helping hands to the NGOs in medical field, educational scholarships, donation to Akhil Bhartiya Grahak Panchayat, etc
Every year the company arranges cultural chat show �DSK Gappa� wherein renowned celebrities are invited and interviewed, thereby inspiring and motivation the public at large.
Source: Annual Report �07-�08 (pg. 32 )
Contact Information:
D.S.Kulkarni Ltd.
- S. Kulkarni Developers Ltd.
1187/60, J. M. Road,
Pune – 411 005
Phone : 20- 66047100
Fax : 20 6604 7110
E-mail dsk@giaspn01.vsnl.net.in
Website : http://www.dskdl.com/
Industry Sector: Construction
Products / Services: Construction
Other locations of factories / offices: Pune, Mumbai