Ballarpur Industries Limited – CSR Intiatives
BILT Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
“While BILT is responsible to continuously enhance shareholders wealth, it is also committed to its other stakeholders to conduct its business in a responsible manner that creates a sustained positive impact on society”.
For Bilt being a Socially Responsible Corporate means:
Using environment friendly and safe processes in production.
Making sustained effort in preserving the environment.
Promoting the well being and development of employees and their families through an inspiring corporate culture that engenders good values.
Building active and long term partnerships with the communities in which we operate to significantly improve the condition of the most disadvantaged amongst them.
Observe good business practices with all our stakeholders like business partners, suppliers and contractors.
Bilt considers the following stakeholders, and the policy outlines our commitment towards them.
Using the policy as the guideline, BILT is committed to all its stakeholders to develop concrete programmes and processes to insure that the essence of the policy spreads to every manufacturing locations in a phased manner. This year the concentration has been on the environment and community initiatives at the manufacturing and corporate locations |
Environmental Impact Assessment of BILT Bhigwan
For Complete details of BILT-CSR