Company: CESC Ltd
Income 2005-2006 =Rs 2385 Cr (rounded off)
Net profit after tax (05-06) = Rs 150 Cr (rounded off)
Karmayog CSR Rating-1/5
CSR activities:
Environment management, in CESC, involves a comprehensive programme to improve and sustain eco-friendly operations to serve all consumers and stakeholders. The mission statement spells out the Company’s goal to be recognised as an environmentally responsive organisation. Further, for internalisation, “Social and Environmental Concern” has been indentified as one of the core values. A continuous proactive endeavour is made with a view to remain at a level above the requirements of the statutes and to set its own standard in expressing concern for the society
at large.
Out of the five coal-fired power stations of CESC with a total generation capacity of 1065 MW, two are more than 50 years old and the other three are comparatively modern. They use coal in pulverised form. Modern devices for monitoring and controlling pollution have been installed in these stations. The older stations have to depend on somewhat older equipment for control of pollution, specially in respect of emission.
Management of environment is carried out mainly in the following areas:
Solid Waste
Fugitive dust
Utilisation of ash
Education and training
Education and training- To create awareness and sustain the efforts, training programmes on “Pollution Control and Environmental Monitoring in Thermal Power Stations” are being conducted regularly for all levels of employees. World Environment Day is also observed in the Generating Stations and participated by all employees, when environment- friendly tree saplings are planted.
Amount spent on CSR: No information regarding the amount spent on CSR was available on the homepage .
Contact details CESC Ltd
CESC House
Chowringhee Square
West Bengal
Tel : 91-033-22256040
Fax : 91-033-22255155
Email :
Web address :