“The simplest method to accomplish this is the human factor. Just by ensuring the employees switch off their individual cabin lights, fans, computers etc, a large amount of energy is saved,” said Dr Howard.
Dr Howard also explained how transport could be made more environment-friendly with the use of bio-fuel and electric cars. With the use electric cars, he said, the problem of harmful emissions will be prevented. He said he believes that five to ten years down the line, most of the major carriers will be using bio-fuel obtained from bio-waste and other renewable sources of energy. ” I think the future is going to belong to planes which use bi-fuel and electric cars. We have called the project to achieve that ‘Project Bet ter Place’ ,” Dr. Howard said.
The seminar was concluded with the emphasis on green power and how renewable source of energy is the fastest growing sector of the global energy market. Dr Howard ended on a positive note, Like how cell phones were an inconceivable idea a few years ago, I believe after the revolution in communication in IT sector we will now encounter a green clean revolution.’ The IMC is celebrating the World Environment Day by having a massive tree plantation drive and its first task includes attempting to reach grassroots level to create awareness and plant one million trees in one year.
URL: http://epaper.indianexpress.com/artMailDisp.aspx?article=23_05_2008_525_004&typ=1&pub=320