10 Reasons to Abolish the IMF and the World Bank
by Kevin Danaher
Two of the most powerful institutions that have promoted the “free market” agenda of the large corporations are the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. This book gets at the root causes of the problems created by them and presents ten arguments for abolishing the World Bank and IMF, replacing them with democratic institutions that would make the global economy more accountable to an informed and active citizenry.
We abolished slavery; we abolished Jim Crow laws; we abolished the exclusion of women from voting; we abolished the 60-hour work week; and we can abolish international banking institutions that do more to prevent democracy than promote it. If we are to have real democracy, then sovereignty must reside in the people themselves, not in institutions with limited public accountability. (104 pages, November 2001)
Kevin travels the world speaking to community groups about the effects of corporate globalization and how to get involved in the grassroots movement challenging corporate rule.
URL- http://store.gxonlinestore.org/10reasons.html