Type of Publication : Documentary (movie)
Title of Publication : Rangarika
Year Published : 2003
Author(s) : Indra Iyengar, Pooja Iyengar
Price : Rs. 250
Publisher & City : Mahashakti Seva Kendra, Bhopal
Where available: Bhopal ( can be parcelled on demand)
Website which has details : www.mahashakti.org
Topic / Issue Covered : Describes a women’s initiative of generating
employment using natural dyes. Batik, Screen printing processes are decribed
and the developed natural dyes are discussed.
Why you would recommend it : The work done by the NGO promotes chemical free
printing, encourages the dying are of using natrual dyes as well as gives a
great example of making a women’s business self sustaining.
Any other details : To order contact Indra Iyengar: rita_iyengar@yahoo.com.
Phone : 91-0755-4292469.
Email- rita_iyengar@yahoo.com.
Contact Person- Indra Iyengar