Title of Publication: Success & ABILITY
Year Published: Launched in Oct 1995
Editor: Jayshree Raveendran
Deputy Editor: Geeta Padmanabhan
Price: Rs. 30.00
Publisher & City: Ability Foundation, Chennai
Where available: Ability Foundation / Subscriptions
Website which has details: www.abilityfoundation.org
Topic / Issue Covered: Success & ABILITY, a cross-disability magazine is a part of Ability Foundations efforts at mainstreaming people with disabilities. The magazine covers a whole gamut of features that inform, inspire and interest its readers.
It provides:
Information on coping with difficulties, information on current issues, technologies, on other organisations, on caring concerns that are positive about employing disabled persons, on coping, on government policies, on trivia
in short, a whole wealth of information.
Inspirational and motivational profiles of courage that inspire to make similar attempts
Interesting features which do not resort to cold dos and donts, but emphasise on the human element and bring out the innate goodness in every human being.
Why you would recommend it:
Disability is the magazines focus, but there is plenty for the general reader. Success & ABILITY acts as a bridge to connect the separate worlds of disabled and non-disabled people and persuades people who are presently indifferent or ignorant, to become aware of disability issues. It strives to create a better society that looks beyond disability. A society where people come first and their disability comes after. Success & ABILITY looks at Disability as a rights issue and not as a medical problem or a matter of charity. The magazine aims at bringing a change in the mind set of people about Disability.
Other Details: Please send email to magazine@abilityfoundation.org for further details.
Contact Person: Padma Naveen