Title: Meljol Aflatoon Malika – For Standard 1- 6. (Parts 1- 6)
Edition: Marathi
Publisher: MELJOL Team – Mumbai
Year Published: 2004-05 – Std 1st to 4th in year.
1999 – Std 5th to 7th in year.
Price: Rs. 300
Number of Pages: In 1st Std series (6 books) 16 pages for each book, for 2nd Std- 48 pages, for 3rd std- 40 pages, for 4th std- 41 pages, for 5th std- 59 pages, for 6th std- 81 pages, for 7th std- 107 pages.
Available at: MelJol India
Room No 47, 2nd Floor,
Gilder Lane Municipal School,
Off Belassis Bridge,
Mumbai Central
Mumbai : 400 008
Topic: The books for the 1st until the 4th Std are supportive to the school syllabus. They assist in the clarification of basic concepts viz., good manners and value education. They also create a base for the rights of children studying in classes from the 5th until the 7th Std. These books also include relevant topics for children in all current contexts. They can be used appropriately by teachers to enhance the knowledge and resourcefulness of children.