Objective: To catalyze socio-economic change in India through education of underprivileged children.
Though the parent NGO is established in New York, ASHA has set up over 66 Asha Chapters across the world. There are 45 in the US, 14 in India, and 7 in Europe, Singapore and Australia. The organization has more than 1000 active volunteers and several thousand supporters around the world.
Publication: Asha Patrika
Primary Objective: The Goal of Asha Patrika is to create an atmosphere of openness and sharing of the learning, so that the learning can happen at an organizational level.
Asha Patrika is The Patrika is open to all volunteers or groups of volunteers to share their learning on issues, initiatives and their experiences with projects, project partners, publicity, coordination and fund raising. The Asha Patrika serves as an open forum to share the best practices for the NGOs various activities.
Mumbai Address: Ramdas Bhuan
Shivaji Park Road. No.3, Dadar
Mumbai, 400028
Maharashtra India.
Contact Person: Harshavardhan Purandare
Contact Tel. No: 022-24448351
Mobile: 0-9819376444
Email: mumbaikar100@yahoo.com
For contact details about the other Asha Chapters in India, please visit the following: http://www.ashanet.org/chapters.php?c=India
New York Address: P.O. Box 322, New York, NY 10040-0322