Books by Vikas Adhyayan Kendra
From Debt Trap To Death Trap
An Enquiry into farmers suicide
Max Martin
Seema Kakde
The phenomena of heavy debts, frequent crop failures, increased inputcosts and market fluctuations causing on adverse terms of trade are pushing the farmers into death trap. The suicide phenomena first reported in Andhra Pradesh in 1997 has now spread across the country as an epidemic: in six years till 2003, according to government figures, around one lakh farmers have taken their lives. The suicides so far are but a tip of the iceberg. The crises in agriculture continues to deepen under the onslaught of corporate globalization and the neo-liberal political vision that tries to remould the countryside under the logic of market fundamentalism undermining food security and survival of the rural poor.
Price: Rs. 100/- (Including Postage)
The Empire and Terrorism
Prof. Ninan Koshy
The escalation of empire building through imperialist expansion by the use of military power by the United States goes hand-in-hand with its pursuit of expansion of global capital and is a prerequisite for the control of global resources. The escalation of empire-building in the context of globalization and particularly in the aftermath of September 11, 2001 are best exemplified by US unilateralism with utter disregard for international law, combined with violation of human and democratic rights. The book acquires greater relevance in the context of the Democrats taking control of the House of Representatives and the Senate after the recent election in the US. The Democrats throughout the campaign focused on the Iraq war and did not dwell on larger issues related to empire and the global war on terror that seeks to reorder the world through imperialist expansion.
Price: Rs. 150/- (Including Postage)
Striving for Secular Democracy
Digest of Resources against Communalism in India
Editor Ram Puniyani
This book aims to apprise the social activist, concerned individuals and scholars working in the arena of these themes about the vast range of material available. While most of the details are given some minor entries may be missing as the data has been compiled from various sources. While first nine chapters deal with the books in details, some important books and articles have just been listed. It does not reflect on the quality of those contributions, only we wanted to restrict the number of books to a manageable volume and also that for some of these details were not available. Hope this work will be of use to the sections of society striving to uphold democratic and secular values.This literature is both written and visual. In the fight against communalism they serve as a very valuable source. Without them possibly the vicious propaganda communal forces had unleashed could not have been met. This publication is not intended as an addition to the pile of materials on communal politics. Instead it brings together a catalogue of published books and audio visual materials against communalism in India. Its a practical guide for secular activists to enrich their work with a better theoretical and conceptual grasp.
Price: Rs. 100/- (Including Postage)
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