We The People Trust is a registered organization under the India Trust Registration Act. It is a step towards access to justice for all and aims towards establishing rule of law. It works in the area of law, social justice and human rights. As the name signifies, it is about, we, the people of India , our concerns and our issues. The aim of the Trust is to bring change using law as an instrument for social justice. The mission of ‘We the People Trust’ is to demystify law. It is a part of the larger commitment towards human rights and social justice and is a passion towards legal literacy movement in India . We The People Trust carry out its work on a number of fronts. We conduct action-oriented research in order to deepen analysis of social and legal issues and to facilitate new strategies for defending human rights. We engage in advocacy, working to strengthen standards and push for full implementation within the human rights and legal framework. We also serve as a resource group, providing legal consultation, legal education, legal awareness, legal literacy and human rights education with a focus on monitoring and self-representation skills through leadership development. We are engaged in analysis of public policies and laws that affect common people.
Our Latest Publication is on `Domestic Violence in India : What one Should Know? ‘ (A Basic Book) It is about the issue of domestic violence in India and addresses it in multidimensional perspectives. It integrates social, psychological and legal aspects in a comprehensive manner. The book also discusses the recently enacted the Protection of Women From Domestic Violence Act 2005 in detail. (Pages 523)
Price Rs. 390/ for Soft Cover Edition ISBN 987-81-903671-
and Rs. 525/ for Hard Bound Edition ISBN 987-81-903671-
About Our Right to Information (Second Edition 2008) Written in simple language in question and answer format, the aim of this publication us to make common people aware of and inform them about their right to be informed. It deals with what, why, how, where, when of the Right to Information in India . The book also carries details about Information Commission, State Information Commissions. This book is enriched with several decisions which have been made by the Information Commission. (ISBN 81-903671-6-
Soochana ka aadhikar: Khuuch Samajik ve kanooni Pehlu It is about the Right to Information in Hindi. It deals with the process that went behind making of law besides features of law in simple language. The book also deals with some experiences after the law became operational in India and briefly analyse several cases being adjudicated by the Central Information Commission constituted under the Right to Information Act 2005. (ISBN 81-903671-3-
Our Fundamental Rights and Duties This book is a simplified version of constitutional rights and duties. Written in question and answer from it simplifies the whole aspect and is recommended for training programmes. (ISBN 81-903671-0-
Rights of A Consumer This book present all information a consumer requires in simplified manner and deals specifically with rights of consumers under the Consumer Protection Act. (ISBN 81-903671-1-
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