National Iodine Deficiency Disorder Control Programme
Iodine is an essential micronutrient with an average daily at 100-150 micrograms for normal human growth and development. Deficiency of Iodine can cause physical and mental retardation, cretinism, abortions, stillbirth, deaf mutism, squint & various types of goitre. Results of sample surveys conducted in 325 districts covering all the States/Union Territories have revealed that 263 districts are endemic where the prevalence of Iodine Deficiency Disorders is more than 10%. It is estimated that more than 71 million persons are suffering from goitre and other Iodine Deficiency Disorders.
The Government is implementing the National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Programme (NIDDCP) formerly known as National Goiter Control Programme (NGCP) since 1962 a 100% centrally assisted programme with a focus on the provision of Iodated salt, IDD survey/ resurvey, laboratory monitoring of Iodated salt and Urinary Iodine excretion, health education and publicity. The annual production of Iodated salt is about 52.00 lakh M.T. Government of India has banned the sale of non iodated salt in the entire country for direct human consumption under Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954 with effect from 17th May, 2006.
For effective implementation of the Programme at the State level, the Ministry of Health is providing financial assistance to all the States/UTs for establishment of an IDD Control Cell, and IDD Monitoring Laboratory in addition to assistance for conducting surveys and Health Education & Publicity for consumption of iodated salt by the population.
The Ministry of Health is also conducting information, education and communication.