1. What is the need for / value of rating NGOs? (conceptual reasons as well as from your personal experiences i.e. in case they were rated, how would it have helped you?)
There should be some mechanism for rating NGOs. This is very important for those who are working in the field and for those who are funding them for particular project.
2. On what different criteria should / can NGOs / nonprofits / charities / trusts be rated?
Criteria can be discussed and debated- But to begin with we can think of
i. On the ground progress report.
ii. Concrete achievements in their respective fields.
iii. Tracking of their change right from the beginning till the date of selection.
iv. Active people involved with the orgnaiseation- SHOULD NOT Considers advisory Boards of organization. People add in this list just make points.
v. Annual report right from the beginning till date- at least 10 years annula reports.
vi. Match in promise and their activities.
vii. Match in the fund they got and the result they produced.
viii. Number of volunteers and active activists/members/staff
ix. We can think on these lines.
3. Who should rate them? i.e. backgrounds of such organisations or individuals
This question is a bit difficult to answer as at this moment I cant tell you the name of single organization for the said purpose. Well we may think on this line
i. Research and Evaluation records
ii. Active people associated with the organisation.
iii. Should be aware of research methods and evaluation strategies.
iv. Credibility of the organisation itself.
v. Credibility, education and experience of people associated with the
4. Which NGOs in your (subjective) opinion are outstanding ones in Mumbai?
Sorry, I am not from Mumbai. I am based in New Delhi and associated with Ark Foundation which is creation of a group of teachers and research scholars of JNU.