Summary of Recommendations of the Parking Workshop
1. A Mumbai Metropolitan Parking Authority should be
constituted at the earliest
2. A Parking Audit should be conducted of existing
buildings and land uses by a
team especially constituted for the same, to determine
the actual parking demand
for the type of building / land use. The DC Rules need to
be amended
3. Any new development should be mandated to submit an
Impact Statement, clearly
setting out the impact it will have on all urban
infrastructure, especially the
transport infrastructure.
4. The parking charges should be revised upwards to
reflect to some extent the real
estate values of the locality
5. Parking contours should be drawn with the CBD at the
center, and the parking
charges should be progressively increased towards the CBD
6. Long term parking charges should be higher to
discourage the trend
7. There should be no commercial use permitted within any
multi-storied or
underground parking facilities
8. No on-street parking should be permitted, especially
on arterial roads
9. All on-street parking will be charged at a higher rate
than off-street parking
10. No on-street parking should be permitted where an
off-street parking facility is
11. Residents should also be required to pay commercial
rates for parking their
vehicles on-street, if their society does not have
adequate provision for parking
12. Owners of multiple vehicles will have to pay higher charges
for the use of the
road space
13. All CHSs should be mandated to provide visitors
parking within their premises,
failing which they would have to pay a compensation to
the Corporation for the
inconvenience caused to the public outside.
14. Parking restrictions are to be enforced forcefully,
and traffic police will need to be
empowered to do so.