ROTARY is an international service organization with the objective of serving the community at large.
The ROTARY movement was conceived and formed more than a century ago and is currently present in more than 206 countries with around 33000 clubs and 1.25 million members around the Globe. Rotary is an organization of professional and businessmen having high ethical standards in their profession and personal life with willingness to serve the community at large irrespective of caste, creed and colour to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace. The mission of Rotary can be simply put as SERVICE ABOVE SELF
With the Indian ETHOS of Vasudeiva Kutumbakkam matching that of Rotary, the Rotary movement in India has consistently worked towards the upliftment of downtrodden and underprivileged children. Rotary has always been omnipresent organisation to tackle sufferings caused from natural and manmade disasters by offering various services including medical facilities, providing food & shelter, basic necessities etc.
Rotary has been carrying out various activities across the globe and a glimpse of the same is provided below:-
Polio continues to infect young infants and children by crippling and depriving them of their freedom in life and opportunities. It is one of the most dreaded infections rendering the children incapacitated for life. Eradication of POLIO is one of the most important responsibilities that Rotary has undertaken over a period of time. For every Rotarian Eradication of POLIO is close to their heart and shall not rest till the objectives set forth above are achieved.
The focus on children is yet another daunting responsibility that Rotary has taken upon itself. Rotary is relentlessly pursuing to provide free education, medical facilities, midday meals, corrective surgeries for removal of deformities, providing safe drinking water, preventing blindness etc to children world over. Rotary District 3140 has adopted more than 500 schools to provide quality educational facilities, expose to the latest technological developments, contribution to library, laboratories, inculcate high ethics and standard amongst children etc.
Projects towards society and mankind
Rotary is continuously engaged in carrying out
· Blood donation camps, cataract surgeries, providing Jaipur foot etc
· Aid for senior citizens, donating medical equipments, selective free cardiac operations and kidney replacements
· Water conversation projects including rain water harvesting, check dams and bunds in remote villages
· Maintenance of parks, tree plantation etc.
- Various projects world over by dedicating at least one every week and month.
Global Warming
In the present scenario, Global Warming has emerged as a major concern endangering our very own existence due to continuous depletion and misuse of natural energy and resources. Rotary has embarked on a well structured process to combat this situation and has already initiated various action plans. Global Warming and Environment is one of the major thrust areas of Rotary. Various steps and actions that are initiated or have been planned are:-
- Creating awareness (Distribution of Comic Information Booklet on Global Warming in various languages)
- Mission Green Earth
- International seminar on Global Warming
- Climatathalon
- Light a Billion Lives
- Green Revolution
- Energy Saving Bank and Tree cycle Re cycle
Mission Green Earth is a trademark project for Rotary wherein we are planning to create mass awareness all over Mumbai, reaching every college, every station, every mall and thus spreading the message of Global Warming all around. To encompass the above said objectives, ROTARY is in need of substantial support from Public at large, Corporates, NGOs, Government agencies etc. in terms of finances and logistics. This is excellent opportunity and platform for ASIAN PAINTS to join hands with ROTARY to fulfill their Corporate Social Responsibility and be partners in promoting Goodwill, peace, happiness and making the world a better place to live in..
Sir, going ahead with this project would serve the dual purpose. One would be sponsorship of our event through you and the second would be awareness and visibility all over Mumbai in Schools, colleges, Malls, theatres etc regarding the association between Rotary and ASIAN PAINTS towards Global Warming.
The combined resources of ROTARY and ASIAN PAINTS can provide invaluable contribution to the society for the eternal benefits of mankind.
Best Regards,
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CELL: 9821350957
Best Regards,
P Please consider your environmental responsibility before printing this e-mail.
CELL: 9821350957