We are carrying out a HIV/AIDS targeted intervention among female sex workers in Tuticorin block supported by APAC-VHS- USAID Chennai.
We are looking for a Project Coordinator and a Counselor for our project. The preferred qualification are MSW or P.G. with experience in HIV /AIDS prevention project. Candidates should have working knowledge in Tamil and English. Interested candidates may apply as early as possible to ttn_empower@sancharnet.in .
Executive Director
107J / 133E, Millerpuram
TUTICORIN – 628 008
Telefax: 0461 2310151 / 2311151
EMPOWER is a Non-profit, Non-Political, Voluntary and Professional Civil Society Organisation.
– Registered in the year 1991- Engaged in developmental work for the past 16 years in Southern Tamil Nadu.