Announcement of establishment of a Toll-Free Helpline under NREGA – 1800110707
The Ministry of Rural Development is implementing National Rural Employment Guarantee Act in the entire rural area of the country covering 34 States and Union Territories, 614 Districts, 6,096 Blocl and 2.65 lakh Gram Panchayats. The Ministry has established a National Helpline in New Delhi in order to enable NREGA households and others to seek assistance from the Ministry for protection of their entitlements under the Act and also for proper implementation of the Act and the Schemes made under the Act. The Helpline consists of a toll free MTNL number (18001100707) for use by the NREGA households and other individuals and groups to raise their queries, submit their grievances and complaints and seek guidance from the Ministry.
The MInistry of Rural Development will provide the following services:
1. Register the complaint and record the details of complaint and the complaint.
2. Provide a code number to the complaint and give it to the user.
3. Request the State and UT Governments to take suitable remedial action on the complaint and send reply to the complainant under intimation to the Ministry.
4. Provide relevant information, which may be desired by the users relating to NREGA.
Ministry of Rural Development (Government of India)