Human rights small grant programme- 2006-07
Applications for the 2006/07 Human Rights Small Grants Scheme are currently
open. This initiative provides small grants to in-country organisations
(primarily non-government) for activities aimed at promoting and protecting
human rights in a direct and tangible way. The scheme’s geographic focus is
the Asia-Pacific region, although worthy proposals from other regions are
also supported, reflecting the Government’s desire to give balance to
Australia’s international human rights representations with constructive
grass-roots activities.
The guidelines for applications are available on the AusAID website:
All applications must be received at the Australian High Commission by
Friday 13 October 2006.
Please do NOT post questions on this entry until you have completely
reviewed the guidelines and viewed prior successful proposals.
Please address applications to:
Mr KN Pradeep
Country Manager
Australian High Commission
1/50G Shantipath
New Delhi 110 021