We are happy to announce 7th National Training Course on CBR for Programme Co-ordinators scheduled from 10th to 17th July 2008 at Shimla. The 8 day intensive exercise is intended for Programme Co-ordinator of organisations involved in development and disability initiatives, through community based approaches. This course equips the participants with appropriate attitude, knowledge and skills necessary to Plan, Co-ordinate and Monitor a Community based initiative for persons with disabilities. The training will focus on rights based approach. The workshop is targeted at Middle level professionals from the Government, NGOs, CBOs, Activists and Individuals interested in disability work.
+ Addressing attitudes towards the disabled
– Unpackaging discrimination and stigma
– Importance of dignity, self reliance and assertion for PWDs
+ Disability and Development
+ Inclusive education and livelihoods
+ Women with disability
+ Disaster and disability
+ UN convention on disability
+ Rights approach to working with PWD
+ Legislation, advocacy and networking
+ CBR and Development
+ CBR Intervention usingv participatory methods
– designing
– planning
– management
+ Monitoring and evaluating a CBR programme
+ Proposal writing
The course will emphasize the use of participatory learning approaches and have a fieldwork component. Lectures, group discussions, case studies and work analysis will form an essential part of the programme. Medium of instruction will be in Hindi. For more detail and application kindly refer the enclosed brochure.
Thanking you,
Warm regards,
Raghavendra B.Pachhapur
Programme Officer,
ActionAid India
Tel: +91 080 25586682 Ext:217 Direct Line :+91 080 25559912
Fax: +91 080 25586284
Mobile: +91 9449278229
Email: Raghavendra.b@actionaid.org
End poverty. Together.
ActionAid is an international anti-poverty
agency working in over 40 countries, taking
sides with poor people to end poverty and
injustice together.
7th National Training Course on CBR for Programme Co-ordinator
10th 17th July 2008, Shimla
For further details contact:
Raghavendra B.Pachhapur
Training Co-ordinator-NTC-7
Actionaid India, 139, Richmond Road,
Bangalore 560 025. Ph. 080 25559912 Fax: 080 25586284
Email: Raghavendra.b@actionaid.org
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