Form No. 0012 Date.Sunday, February 10, 2008
Rajasthan Police, Jodhpur, RJ
Please display this form on Please send
to the government department, ACB, CBI, etc. Please circulate to
media, NGOs & other citizens so that the sitaution can be rectified
& others do not have to suffer like i did
Thank you
A: Details of the government organisation
1. Name of government organisation Rajasthan Police
2. State Rajasthan
3. City ;Jodhpur
4. Department SP(city) Jodhpur
5. Location Police HQs
6. Designation of government officer involved Dy SP (west)
7. Website
8. Address of the government organisation Complaint may be
forwarded for action to: Director General of Police Rajasthan Police
Head Quarters Jaipur-Rajasthan
B: Complaint Details
1. Period of incident Before 2007 – May
2. Services that were sought? FIR for forgery,cheating and
theft against 5 persons.
3. What problem/s did you face? The FIR was closed and then
it was got reopened by complainant from Sessions judge jodhpur.
4. Bribe amount NA
5 a. Did you pay the bribe? If yes, why? NO.I will never
5 b. Could you get your work done without paying the bribe?
if so, how? NO.Police is involved with accused persons.
6. Result Despite reopening of case by sessions judge
jodhour for reinvestigation with specific commehts in Nov 2006, so
far accused have neither been arrested nor property and documents
recovered from th em.
C: Additional Informtion attached
Details of Content FIR No 518/ 2004 of Police station
Shastrinagar Jodhpur,now pending with Dy SP (West)
Jodhpur.Complainant: Rajendra Kumar Gupta.Accused: Girish Gupta and
Attached Additional Document 1 Nill
Attached Additional Document 2 Nill
Attached Additional Document 3 Nill
D: Suggestions
1. Suggestions for head of government department 1.Action
against the Dy SP West Rajendra Singh Sisodia for open dereliction
of duty, using humiliating words and making open mockery of court
order.These are serious charges.He is now posted elsewhere.The new
one has also not approached ,me so far.
< /tr>
2. The investigation should be handed to Special Branch of
police of SP level person and be made time bound for putting up
challan in 2 month’s period.
2. Suggestions for the Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) / Central
Bureau of Investigation (CBI) When a case is filed by polcie and
reopened it should automatically go to a IG level polcie officer for
further action in ACB /CBI as state level agency is not expected to
do fair investigations. They are openly making mockery of court
orders also.
DySP an dabove officers should be suspended immediately on
receiving complaints and derel;iction of duty amnd misbehaviour.
3. Suggestions for other citizens Complain to highest
authotrity of state or centre.
E: Contact Details are as follows
Name Rajendra Kumar Gupta
Ph one 9413782645
Rajasthan, Jodhpur, Sunday, February 10, 2008